Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Dream Is Over....Wake Up!

My brothers and sisters, this generation have not felt the slash of whips crack against our bare skin. This generation didn't have to cook, clean and work for a master that would rape our women and kill the offspring. This generation didn't live through the stories of slavery. So even though we are physically detached, emotionally we are all connected through the thoughts and knowledge that our ancestors and our great great great grandparents went through it. But is the mere knowledge of knowing we had no part in it, seperate you enough to detach from knowing your race? I dare not bare to think of the mind that you have lost, where hundreds of thousands can rally for your escape from jail, for you to only end up right back inside, your cousin to be slain by injustice and no one to turn to look back at the blood spilled across the ground in vain. My generation, my people, don't be fools! Bury not the bodies of our race, bury not the bodies of those who hurt you but embrace them in a love that can't be explained but can only be known as the love of God. Remove yourself from the streets, remove yourself from death itself, because he isn't your friend! Your friend will encourage you to get up and leave to do something positive with your life, not hold you down to killing not only your spirit but bringing death's claws to your neck to choke the physical life out of you! How dare you listen to the whispers of greed and injustice! How dare you throw away what history has brought us from? Don't look for me to become a leader among us, for us, because I'm simply one guy standing. In order for others to stand, in order for a leader to be elected, we must all stand or no one will stand at all. Because a leader isn't someone smooth with words, a leader isn't someone who can take a hit, a leader is someone who rises among the crowd and stands out among everyone! I am no leader and I don't lead the charge but rather I speak these words to push your heart, move your soul, and guide your destiny to greatness because inside you is a piece of our perished leaders. He lives inside us and has always been with us, so WAKE UP! Stop dreaming for a dreamer because the Dream is over! Now, we must push forward for a new dream, where the word injustice is buried along with nigga. Where the word, hate is buried, where murder is buried, where war is buried because we can't sit in silence any longer. We can no longer sit and look at each other, wondering who will stand, but stand up and be willing to stand even when no one else will.

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